Wednesday 25 November 2015

All plastered. Back boxes for socket outlets are in and cables drawn through  . Garage ceiling has first layer of boarding now filled and taped ready for next layer.

Sunday 22 November 2015

Internal partitions are up,

  on the advice of the plasterer the old brick wall of the house has been sheeted with plasterboard on plaster dabs. now whole upstairs is plastered and well into process of drying out.

Even fitted a door!

Saturday 14 November 2015

Insulated plasterboard all now up on walls . Still got round the widows to do. Now started on internal partitions and doors.

Sunday 8 November 2015

plaster dabs.

First time ever using plaster dabs to fix plasterboard to walls. I spoke to a chap recently in a popular diy retailer, who had used dabs. He enthused about the positve "grab" achieved with the board adhesive. I was sceptical of his enthusiasm,  sceptic no more!!!! What a grip this stuff gets!!!
3 boards up, 8 to go.

Friday 6 November 2015

Great progress last few days but no time to update blog!
The garage ceiling is now complete with  one layer of soundblock plasterboard.
Underfloor insulation is complete in upstairs rooms.
Upstairs rooms ceilings are nearly complete, just a couple of footery wee bits to do and flooring too is almost complete, just short of a couple of boards! Out of a box of 1000 plasterboard screws there are 40 left! I need to go buy another box!!!
Tomorrow is time consuming small  jobs like move boiler vent pipe and run pipe work for radiators