Tuesday 25 March 2014


The house extension has started after neary a year in the planning stage!
We cut the first sod on Monday 3 March so this is a wee bit late and I am playing catch up!
I hope to document the build for all to see, which should also serve as an incentive for me to actually get things done!
Having never blogged any thing before it might take some attempts to get it going but here goes!
day 1 was a hoot
 Ewen C and Tom were round to help, machines hired from Jewson. I managed to drop the keys for the digger way down into the engine!

The founds got dug and all was well.

The kids even got a shot of the digger and dumper

Concrete booked for tuesday. I failed to realise the importance of notifing building control! They really need to come out and look into the holes! Said they couldn`t come till thursday. After a bit of sweet talking the nice lady agreed to come on tuesday afternoon.
 She was no sooner away than the concrete arrived!

founds full of concrete

rather than using skips I got this guy with a clamshell crab, takes 15 tonnes at a time and I
 much more cost effective. Had a large pile of dirt on front garden though! Told the kids it was the lenzie dry ski slope!